Why Do We Have Baubles At Christmas? (Revealed!)

Christmas is a particular time of year more people than not look forward to.

It’s a jovial expression of celebration, kindness, and spending time together.

Who doesn’t love gift giving and seeing the reaction on someone’s face when you get them a great gift?

Not to mention the sheer fun that’s associated with decorating.

Still, many people are interested in why we decorate in the first place, and more specifically, why specific decorations exist.

With this in mind, why do we have baubles at Christmas?

To answer this question…baubles are utilized around Christmas time as a reflection of the Roman tradition that involved hanging fruit on trees throughout the holiday season. Rather than hang fruit anymore, these glass ornaments are a reminder of that tradition and have become a typical decoration many people celebrate. Most people aren’t aware of this history, but it’s worth noting regardless. 

It’s always a fascinating discussion to find why a particular celebration is a way it is.

After all, celebrations of all degrees come and go, so it’s an incredibly worthwhile occasion if one lasts for a long time.

Not to mention the amount of history that’s associated with decorations like baubles.

Nevertheless, if you hope to learn more about the subject, you’re in the right place.

Let’s take a close look at everything there is to know about having baubles at Christmas!


Why do we put baubles on a Christmas tree?

Generally speaking, baubles are most commonly utilized as a decoration on a Christmas tree.

The primary reason dates back to the Roman empire from the Roman tradition of hanging fruit from trees.

This tradition has made its way to today, making it a prevalent decoration avenue for many people.

As already mentioned, most people aren’t aware of why they hang or use baubles around the holiday season.

All they know is it’s a common way to celebrate the holiday, and like many other subjects, people tend to stick with something if it’s a part of a tradition, even if they’re not entirely sure why.

Another explanation as to why so many people enjoy baubles is because it exudes a sense of comfort.

Many people look forward to the holiday season since it represents a time to sit back and relax.

Rather than worry about any particular issues going on, all you have to do is enjoy the holiday for what it offers people comfort-wise.


Where do baubles come from?

Although baubles are heavily inspired by the Roman tradition of hanging fruit, they’re not a relatively new concept.

In fact, the original bauble comes from sixteenth-century Germany, where the alpine town of Lausche had a particular skill in glass-blowing and Christmas ornament production.

However, it was in the 19th century when baubles truly began to take off.

Hans Greiner was the first manufacturer of baubles, and is responsible for why they became so popular throughout the world.

The original baubles were fruit and nut-shaped, before how they are now as a more spherical appearance.

It’s quite remarkable how something that was derived so long ago can continue to be a significant part of a holiday.

If you stumble upon any Christmas tree, you more than likely will baubles on them.

Although not every person has them as a decoration, it’s more common to see them than it is not to.


What do baubles symbolize?

As touched upon already, baubles are meant to represent fruit as a modern rendition of the Roman tradition of hanging fruit on trees years ago.

People also look for baubles as a sense of comfort since the holiday generally gives off an enjoyable mental state for so many people.

Although this isn’t the case with everyone, Christmas is undoubtedly a time for happiness.

Many have gone record stating the reflection of baubles feels them with great joy.

Take it for what it is, but it appears people simply enjoy the notion of tradition and baubles are certainly a large part of that.

After all, symbolism and this particular subject make up a large portion of what Christmas is.


How do you make baubles?

As complicated as making a bauble might seem, the process is a lot more straightforward than most people realize.

Obviously, most people don’t have the means to craft a spherical glass shape, but if you can do it, all you have to do is make a circle from glass and dye it.

An easier route is to buy a bauble kit and make it that way.

Don’t worry, if you wish to have bauble without any worry attached to the subject, consider buying some online.

We’ll discuss the actual price of baubles later in the article, but understand they’re not that expensive.

You can also head to any holiday type store and find a large selection of baubles.


Do you need to have baubles on your tree?

As many traditions as there are attached to Christmas and the holiday season, technically, everything is subjective in this area.

You don’t have to have baubles if you don’t want to.

Although baubles are a very prevalent decoration on Christmas trees, try not to worry about it all that much if you don’t want to.

There are plenty of people who have a different approach to celebrating so Christmas.

If you wish to go that route, realize that’s completely fine as well.

No matter what you do, just try to take a step back and analyze everything that’s tied to Christmas and what you hope to celebrate exactly.


Where else can you hang baubles?

Besides Christmas trees, there are plenty of other areas where you can use baubles.

For starters, many people enjoy hanging baubles on their doors.

This is a popular avenue you can consider, or you can stick to hanging them on a tree or even in a window.

Wherever you can hang, something should work.


Are baubles expensive?

The last point to highlight has to do with the price of baubles.

Like any other subject, baubles vary significantly in price.

Baubles can either be as affordable as a dollar, or they can be thousands for a more premium option.

It’s entirely up to you, and any budget should suffice for buying baubles.